Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Office Bearers 2019-2020

President Greg (Nugget)  Hunt 0438799661
Vice President Wayne (Flud) Webb 0400933358
Secretary David Sharpe 0428849319 dsharpe@activ8.net.au
Assistant Secretary Julie Cleggett
Treasurer Helen Till
Club Captain Brian Milligan 0401993525
Assist Club Captain Marlene Webb 0429677065
Editor Steve Westmacott
Assist Editor Wayne Webb
Librarian Glen Altus
Committee Donna Milligan Darrell Jenkin Ross Lutt
Risk Management Committee Wayne Webb Brian Milligan Helen Till
Old School Committee Len Jenkin David Sharpe Des Murray

Looking forward to another great year of the club with fun friendship and driving our Vintage Antique and Classic cars around the country side