To celebrate SA History Month, the BVRC hosted a Morning Tea at the Old School on Saturday 26th May and welcomed an estimated 50 local residents and Club members to a mouth-watering morning tea served on vintage china.
Tatiara History Group ended its Walking Tour of historical buildings in Bordertown at the Old School for the occasion, prompting memories of times spent in the classrooms as students or teachers from the visitors.
Club Captain Marlene Webb thanked the members who brought home-baked cakes, scones, creampuffs & muffins and also those who displayed their historic cars for the morning. A total of 16 cars lined up for the day
“ A special thanks to Tony Hedges who drove his beautiful 1925 Model T Ford all the way from Keith – and to the other members who helped him find that loose nut! ” she said “it was a good turnout of locals and members and the morning tea was just fantastic!”
It is planned the upgraded Supper Room will be completed in time for this year’s annual 4 Clubs Tour in August, when Historic Motoring Clubs from Naracoorte, Meningie and Robe/Kingston plus other enthusiasts from SA and Victoria will join the BVRC and tour the highlights of the Tatiara for a weekend.
This Is Elma Pilgrim overseeing all the goodies to be eaten