Sunday, August 26, 2001

Upper South East 4 Clubs Rally 2001

The Upper South East 4 Clubs Rallies are a great opportunity to catch up with old friends, make new friends, visit new places, be entertained, eat well, and show off your car!

After twelve months of discussion by car club members from Meningie, Bordertown, Naracoorte, Kingston and Robe, the first of the South Eastern Four Clubs Rallies for vintage cars was held at Meningie on August 25 and 26, 2001.

Twelve members of the Bordertown Vehicle Restorers Club joined the seventy that were entertained for the weekend by the Meningie/Coorong Mechanical Restoration Club. 

The weekend included:

  • A buffet meal at the Meningie Cheese Factory Restaurant
  • An old time movie show
  • Devonshire morning tea at the Cheese Factory
  • A browse through the museum
  • A short cavalcade tour of the town
  • Lunch at the Bowling Club
  • Presentation of trophies
Brian and Noreen Knauerhase did Bordertown proud, winning the trophy for the oldest vehicle present with their beautifully restored 1903 Oldsmobile.